Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Went in for my final check up today. Dr. Soon did a scan, baby is measuring 2 weeks smaller so we decided to follow what Dr. Soon had suggested which is to take him out early. Little bub will be 38 weeks 5 days tomorrow so he is considered full term but measured only at 36 weeks.

Dr. Soon checked on my cervics and I've dilated 2-3cm and he even sweep my membranes hoping that I'll get into labor on my own. If nothing happens then tomorrow I shall admit and have my water break at 8.30a.m and we might need to start on pitocin.

Let's see what happens tomorrow ~

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ahh it's been like few weeks and I had my last check up on May 10 which puts me on 37 weeks 5 days at that time. Everything is quite smooth is just that my baby is not growing like how he should be..gaining weight and all. He's quite fine actually besides the weight problem as we can see from the standard weight chart. My amniotic fluid is at a good level, my placenta is maturing and it's fine.. the blood flow from placenta to cord is showing fine..

Dr. Soon said I may need a scheduled induction of labor on this coming Thursday May 17, after my check up on Wednesday May 16, if there's no improvement. It is better for my little one to be out than inside me if he's not growing well inside. Though weight estimated via u/s is just an estimation, it is better be safe than be sorry since he's officially considered full term now.

Of course, Dr. Soon and all of us hopes that my body can get into labor on my own, within this week. Hopefully we do not need an induction afterall so I googled up all the natural ways of labor induction that I can find on the web, considering those that won't over stimulate the uterus contraction and all.. I tried most of it but nothing seems to work, it can be an old wive tales but then I'm pretty sure if my body is ready for it, it will definitely helps to kick start my labor.

I tried walking, and I walk alot. I've walk 2 and half hours non stop yesterday till my feet swell but no contractions. I tried having sex for few days - forcing my hubby on doing it, it's not that we're not enjoying it but few days straight, i'm sure he'll get tired hahahahaha and I can't get the BIG O as what all the people that tried said, I need the BIG O to starts the contraction. So i end up trying to do the deed myself by masturbating, it took me way way long to get O but no heavy contraction or what-so-ever. My hand can't reach my down there with my tummy blocking its way so yeah that's why it took so long.

I tried eating spicy food - which I think there won't be any usage to me since I've been eating spicy and sour food through out the pregnancy. Just 1 of my cravings so it didn't help at all. I tried caffeine by gulping down 2-3 times a day of coffee - no effect (i make sure i didn't cross the 5 glass per day line). I tried papaya which uh uh.. no use.

I did try bumpy ride by sitting my bro in law's car.. haha he's car is always bumpy ~ no baby bumps out of me... and my last resort, i tried dancing. Yesterday I start playing Kinect dancing to Kyle's Nickelodeon's Dancing and also 1 of the belly dance. Does it work...? NOPE.

So now all I can hope for is hubby's spermie which contains prostaglandins will help to soften and effaced my cervics, which hopefully by Wednesday during my check up, I'll be dilated somehow praying for hard for at least 1-2cm. So that Dr. Soon can sweep my membranes or break my water without the need to use the synthetic prostaglandins to induce my labor.

A few of my friends that said induction is fine, you can go in natural labor too but there's still risk right? I don't want to take any risk to make myself needing a emergency c-sec but of course I wouldn't risk the life of my little one, if he needs to be induce then let it be. I'll listen to my Dr.'s advice as I know he'll know what is the best for me and my little one.