Woke up today at 4.15a.m, getting ready to go for 'kambong' (waking up the soul). I bought a hpt yesterday, after 2 times of negative result, i still felt that i'm actually pregnant. Menstrual is delayed by 1 week. Supposedly by 6th of every month, it will come as my menstrual cycles has been regular for the pass 6 months.
I tried the hpt and as i watch the bar goes up, i only see 1 line. Well, i guess i have to try another time another day. Yet the longer i stare at the tube for the result, i began to see a very faint line. It's 4 in the morning and i haven't even brush my teeth and wash my face, yet i feel elated. I get myself wash up, then sit down and stare into the tube again. Indeed there was a very thin faint line.
It's a good news to me, finally Kyle will have a sibling and i'm going to be a mummy again. I was so happy and who should i tell first? I guess that would be my hubby who's out station at the moment. I text him 'Congratulations, you're going to be 2nd time daddy'. Then i called my sister to check on them to see if they woken up and ready to come and fetch me. I drop the news to them.
From the due date calculator based on my first day of my last period: my due date shall be on May 12 2012 and i'm currently 5 weeks pregnant.
But my concern is, did i only conceive after 28th of August. As i have sex twice with my hubby this month. First time is somewhere right after my period and another is on 28th of August. To my knowledge on fertility, i should be more likely conceive after 28th of August.
If based on 28th of August conception date: my due date shall be on May 20 2012 and i'm currently around 4 weeks pregnant.
I guess i would need to make an appointment with a doctor to confirm my pregnancy and start on my folid acid and iron. I'm not sure whether i should go now or on the 7 weeks where i can see my little heart beats.
I don't plan to announce my pregnancy to anyone yet except for close family members like my hubby, mummy and sister and also my best friend. Once I got over 3 months, then most likely i will announce it on my facebook ^^.
I will try to take care myself so that I can have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.