Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Budget - Part 1

It is not easy to raise a child now a days. It cost more than we can imagine. Not just for first time parents, but 2nd and 3rd child, though some people said, 2nd child will be easier because most of the items can be passed down, uh-uh not really, unless the age gap is less than 1 years old.

Kyle and Keith will have a 5 years age gap. Though I have kept most of Kyle's items, still there's a lot of things that need to be prepared and it didn't cost a little, it cost a huge burn in the pocket.

I'll do rough calculation on how much I've spend for my Little Keith. This may be a rough summary to parents to be out there, to let you know how much you may need to get ready for your little one.

First thing first, to confirm my pregnancy:

Home pregnancy test x4 - RM10 per try = RM40 (yes i used up 4 before I get a faint positive line - 14 days from the day I suppose to get my period).

First prenatal check up at PAH 6 weeks from lmp (last menstrual period) - under Dr. Soon Su Seong -
Consultation fees (1st time) - RM60
Ultrasound - RM30
Blood test for HCG - RM45 (yes I needed it because in my ultrasound Dr cannot find any baby inside my uterus, so need blood test to confirm my pregnancy).

2nd prenatal check up at PAH 8 weeks from lmp
Consultation fees (follow up) - RM45
Ultrasound - RM30

The following prenatal check up schedule at 4 weeks once till 28 weeks.
Consultation fees (follow up) - RM45
Ultrasound - RM30
Urine test - RM9 ++

Besides the routine ultrasound and urine test, there's another full blood test @ RM100 (to check for HIV as well). For detailed scan (anatomy scan), it's around RM65.

Prenatal vitamins are optional as we can get outside pharmacy but I decided to take from PAH since the pricing there and outside is about the same.

30 tablets
Pramilet (multivitamin) + Calcium+ @ RM40 below
Fish oil @ RM35

So total up to date (@30 weeks), I've spend around RM900 for my prenatal check up and vitamin. I've skip 1 time 4 weeks check up, and yeah from 28 weeks above we're suppose to get our routine check up every 2 weeks, which I plan to skip and make it at every 4 weeks until I'm 36 weeks. At 36 weeks, we're required to get our check up once a week, plan to skip to 2 weeks once as well. As long as baby is healthy, I don't think I need to be check that frequent.

Some mummy will visit private for ultrasound and monthly routine check up at Klinik Kesihatan to save on cost but for me as I don't plan to give birth in Government Hospital, I prefer to keep all my records with one doctor, just in case any emergency happen, the doctor will have all my medical record.

So all in all, it is better to prepare at least RM1500 for the prenatal check up for the whole 40 weeks duration.

Let's move on to the maternity package:

I'll most likely take the 3-bedded room 3 days 2 nights package from PAH which cost around RM1688 ++ all the admin fees and so on, estimated I need to prepare RM1800. This is for non medical - normal delivery.

If in case needed the help of vacuum, forceps or induction do add in another RM300 or so. As for epidural it's RM900.

I would love to have 100% non medicated delivery, but sometimes things might not turn out the way I want it to be so my budget is now at RM2100. I'm not going for epidural as I can give birth naturally with Kyle without needing epidural so for Keith, I have confidence I do not need epidural.

In any case of emergency c-section the price would raise by x3 the package price, roughly around RM5000. I'm praying hard I do not need to go into emergency c-section.

Right right, after birth, it's confinement time, there's a few choices -

Confinement lady: price ranging from RM3200 to RM4000
Confinement center: price ranging from RM2500 to RM3500
Catering confinement food: RM2500 above (this mostly can find in KL but not in Penang - where they will deliver the confinement food to your house everyday).
Mother in law / Mummy's lovely confinement: RM500 above (we will need to at least give them an angbao and purchase all the confinement food ingredient)
Maid: RM40 for half day, RM80 for full day (to help clean the house or wash the dirty laundry).

I'll have my mum helping me with my confinement so I save up a lot a lot ^^.

Oh, please don't forget to budget at least RM1000 for baby's jaundice ^^, baby will have jaundice but it depends on how high the level is. To admit baby for the ray, it cost around RM500 per day.

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