Saturday, June 2, 2012

Kyle's Birth Story

After writing on Keith's birth story, I might as well note down Kyle's birth story in case later in time, I'll forget about it.

Kyle's due date is on Aug 31st 2007 - our Merdeka Day. Early morning 8.30a.m I felt slight contraction and shake it off cause it's no in regular basis. I went to work in my mum's shop and back home take a nap. It is when around 8.30p.m I felt the regular timing of contraction, around 30 minutes lasted 10 to 20 seconds. I told hubby about it, and we're planning whether to go to GH or PAH as that time we're kind in a financial crisis.

I knew I won't go into active labor that soon from all the labor and delivery things that I've read. So I took a bath, and waited... it's around 11p.m I start to have bloody show, but my water is not broken. My sis accidentally saw me in pain when she pass thru my room and alert my mum who scold and rush me to PAH. I admitted to hospital around 12a.m, and straight to the labor and delivery room, the same temporary room I used for Keith's labor ^^.

I was hooked up with all the contraction and fetal heartbeat monitoring device and waited very very long, though the contraction by 3a.m it's around 1min apart that last 45 seconds long each time. It was a long long day, I manage to get through it till 8.30a.m, Dr. Ng shows up and check on me, he's telling me that I'm only 1cm dilated, after all the hours - I admitted with a fingertip dilation.He said he'll breaks my water for me, and hope things will progress from there.

I wash pushed to the delivery room, waiting for my cervix to dilate, I get the pain killer jab around 10.30a.m and doze off. I was around 5cm dilate that time and it seems like there's no resting time for the contraction. It was pain all the way.

I woken up around 11.30a.m and the nurse check on me and telling me I'm 7cm, it should be very soon. She went out and came in 5mins later when I told her.. "Nurse, I'm in the pushing stage. My body starts to push". She hurried over and check on me, I was 10cm. That was fast ~ She coach push me, telling me when to push, I'll be given an hour to push the baby out from the 9inch birth canal, or I'll be need instrumental help or an emergency c-sec.

With her coach, and from all the reading I've done, in such a control I manage to makes the baby head crowns, and she went to call Dr. Ng, which shows up together with my hubby few mins later. It took me around 3 pushes to push my little pig Kyle out. He weight 3.57kg.

Everything is in such a control unlike Keith's birth which makes me go haywire.. haha ~

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